“A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.”

- Steve Jobs

“Startup Founders and Executives are obsessives… we have a radical sense of purpose, mission, and urgency. Crazy levels of grit. Higher standards than 99.9% of the world. That's what we share in common with Quantum. We're cut from the same cloth.

Their culture is unique — the level of intensity, passion, and urgency are rare to come by. They care about who they bring into their companies — It's not just about the placements. Working alongside people that care just as much as you, who have the same high standards and burning desire to make it happen at all costs… that's what you can't put a price on.”

Nathan Sparks
Chief Revenue Officer,

Our Team

Chris Vasquez
Founder & CEO
Linnea Westman
Director of Operations
Saneh Ste. Claire
Chief of Staff
Dan Wenzel
Bryson Morrow
Mike Roney
Paige Baker
Taylor Guthrie
Brandon Smouse
Jayme Karr
Ches Courtney
Director of Recruiting
Jack Scofield
Principal Executive Recruiter
Emily Kasmouski
Principal Executive Recruiter
Miles Dale
Principal Recruiter
Dan Bruck
Principal Recruiter
Dillon Johnston
Principal Recruiter
Josh Kohler
Principal Recruiter
Judith Li
Principal Recruiter
Nelly Murodova
Sr. Manager, Content & Social